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Damage, eating junk food
أكمل المقالI like comfort food. You like comfort food. It's great medicine! You feel otten, so you eat a bunch of rotten food, and you feel better. Magic!
Yeah, I know, it's short-lived, but General Tso's Chicken, or Haagen Dazs ice cream, or an entire sleeve of Oreos, sure helps get the sad out.
But eating all that comfort food, i.e. junk food, might be what's fueling your bad mood; specifically increasing the risk of depression.
Writing in The British Journal of Psychiatry, experts found that consuming a lot of processed food--such as desserts, fried food, refined grains, processed meat, and high-fat dairy--actually raised the likelihood of depression.
Scientists blame all the sugar and fat junk food jams into your body; sugar highs are great, but sugar lows are low, really low.
And, researchers say this association held true even after things like smoking and fitness level were considered.
So scientists suggest, obviously avoiding junk food, eating more fruits and vegetables, cutting salt, and choosing healthy snacks, like whole wheat crackers. Sorry, they don't make whole wheat Oreos.
As a nut job with five years of therapy under his belt, I say stay away from the comfort food trap. Force yourself to eat fruit if you have to, seriously.
3 Simple Tips to Help Control Your Portions
أكمل المقالIt would be pretty hard to deny the massive increase in our portions over the past few decades.
It seems everything from muffins to coffee have grown considerably. And unfortunately, so too have our waistlines.
Surveys have confirmed fast food chains are serving portions which are.
In fact, when McDonald's first opened in 1955, its only hamburger weighed around 1.6 ounces. Now, the largest hamburger weighs 8 ounces.
I don't believe bigger portions have been the sole cause of the obesity epidemic, but I think for many people, large quantities of low quality foods have skewed the perception of what a healthy portion should look like.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's , gives a great visual representation of today's sizes compared with years ago. Here's just a few:
20 years ago
- A cheeseburger had 333 calories
- 2.4 ounces of French fries had 210 calories
- And, a 3-inch bagel had 140 calories
- A cheeseburger has 590 calories
- 6.9 ounces of French fries have 610 calories
- And, a 5-6-inch bagel has 350 calories
Clearly, things have changed in a big way.
Here are 3 simple ways to control your food portions:
1. Reduce your plate size
Plates, bowls, and cup sizes have increased over the years too. And, it's a well known fact that bigger eating containers and cutlery influences how much people eat.
I'm not saying eat with kiddy plates, but at least be aware of the link.
2. Divide your dishes
If you find it difficult to get the balance right, try mentally drawing the letter Y on your plate. Then place carbs on one third, proteins on one third, and vegetables or fruit on one third (have extra here if you like).
This will help you get the balance between grains and meat, and remind you to eat some vegetables or fruit at each meal.
3. Use the Zimbabwe hand jive
If the above isn't helpful, try using your hands to gauge portion sizes.
Proteins should be roughly the size of your palm, carbs the size of your fist, and for vegetables, it's two full outstretched hands worth.
What is your best advice for reducing portion sizes? Share your ideas in the comments below...
Ban Butter for Greater Health?
أكمل المقالOne of Britain's leading heart surgeons, Shyam Kolvekar, has suggested that in order to save lives, butter should be banned.
Butter contains a large amount of saturated fat (54g per 100g), and saturated fat is considered responsible for a third of Britain's annual 200,000 premature deaths from heart disease.
Mr. Kolvekar said:
By banning butter and replacing it with a healthy spread the average daily sat-fat intake would be reduced by eight grams. This would save thousands of lives each year and help to protect them from cardiovascular disease - the UK's biggest killer.
Heart bypass operations are increasingly being performed on young adults, whereas in the past, it was normally only older patients who needed them. If butter was banned and replaced with a healthier spread, Brits would be eating an average 8g less of saturated fat each day - potentially saving thousands of lives.
It's unlikely, of course, that butter will be banned. Chefs and farmers have already spoken out against Mr. Kolvekar, insisting that eaten in moderation, butter is not dangerous.
أكمل المقالSeriously. Me....... I'm cooking. I came across a website that had some good recipes that appeared to be simple. The website is the board for the preservation of healthy Italian eating.....whatever, click here and you'll go there. They are offering a free ebook with some really healthy recipes and great meal ideas.
This is a butternut soup I made. Yuck!!! But Hubby loves it so that's good.
This is what I did with the rest of the squash and this is delicious!!!
And this is a 15-bean soup. I love beans and I like soup so this should be a winner. I'm simmering it right now to get the beans soft. Yum.
Recipe for Southwestern Omelet with Easy Guacamole and Salsa
أكمل المقال

(Makes 2 omelets, or save half the guacamole for another day, recipe created by Kalyn.)
Easy Guacamole (enough for 2-3 omelets):
1 medium avocado
2 tsp. fresh squeezed lime juice
1/4 tsp. green Tabasco sauce (or more, or use your favorite hot sauce)
1/4 tsp. salt or Vege-sal
pinch of chile powder (don't put too much or it turns the avocado brown)
For Each Omelet:
2 eggs
1/8 tsp. chile powder
1/4 tsp. Spike Seasoning
salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste (I used some pepper, but not any salt)
2 T grated low-fat cheese (I use four cheese Mexican blend, which is a mixture of low-fat cheeses)
2 T "easy guacamole"
olive oil or non-stick spray for misting or brushing pan
your favorite salsa for serving
In another bowl, beat together eggs, chile powder, Spike Seasoning, plus salt and pepper as desired. Spray or brush a small 8-9 inch frying pan with olive oil or non-stick spray. Turn burner under pan to low, heat about a minute, then pour eggs into pan and cook 3 minutes, until the eggs are starting to get well set on the bottom. (I use a rubber scraper and lift the edge to see if it's set.)
Sprinkle 2 T low-fat cheese over the entire surface of the eggs and cook 1-2 minutes more, until the cheese is starting to melt. Then put 2 T guacamole mixture on the eggs and use a rubber scraper to carefully spread it around until it covers one side of the eggs. Let omelet cook 1 minute more.
After one minute, gently fold the side without guacamole over the side with the guacamole. Cover the frying pan and cook 3-5 minutes more, until the omelet is cooked through.
Use a large turner to lift the omelet on to a plate and serve hot, with your favorite salsa.
How Are You Dealing with Weight Issues?
أكمل المقالSomething I’ve been thinking about doing is getting together on weekends with a bunch of guys and playing sports. I love sports, loved playing, love watching. So I want to incorporate more sports into my life. I’ve gotta use it before I lose it.
Mentally, it’s really a challenge to stay focused. That has always been the hardest, most crucial element to my weight loss. Stay focused people. Stay focused! you are like me, this time of the year is really bad for you. With all of the holidays, the cold weather, and the overall laziness that ensues around this time of year…it’s hard to stay motivated.
So how are you dealing with weight loss issues right about now? Share some of your tricks, please! It’s been quite a challenge every holiday season for me to stick to my guns. Why does weight loss have to be so difficult, yet really simple?
Are You Cheating On Your Diet?
أكمل المقالA survey by LighterLife, less than a few weeks into 2010, revealed that 36% of women are cheating on their New Year's diet.
The results from 2,000 women, are no particular shock, but they do come as a timely reminder about good (and less good) weight loss habits.
If your diet is slipping already, here are a couple of common problems the surveyed women faced, and how to solve them.
40% of women were tempted by their partners eating something delicious
If your hubby (or best friend) is sitting on the sofa next to you, scoffing a box of chocolates, there's a good chance that you'll dip in too. Either get your nearest-and-dearest on board, and ask them to avoid eating certain foods in front of you, or brush your teeth (or chew gum) to avoid the temptation to snack.
25% were tempted when eating out at a restaurant
However good your intentions, it's very hard to just pick a salad when you're eating out. Try making a restaurant trip an occasional treat, rather than a weekly indulgence - good for your wallet as well as your waistline. Then you can have whatever you like, without worrying that it'll ruin all your efforts.
A History of Failure
The study found that "each woman polled had tried to slim down an average of eight times." This isn't much surprise, many of us attempt diets and don't succeed. But, I wonder whether the anxieties about "cheating" played a role in this.
A healthy diet is not a test. There are plenty of good guidelines about healthy eating, but no absolute rules. To lose weight, all you need to do is consume fewer calories than you expend, over the course of a week, a month or even a whole year.
One meal out at a restaurant, a couple of choccies which you don't admit to, or a slip-up where you eat more than planned, doesn't mean you've failed your diet.
More than half the women surveyed by LighterLife said that they'd lied about what they'd eaten. This probably reinforced feelings of secrecy and guilt. Rather than lying when you're having a bad day, find a friend who you can confide in - someone who'll support and encourage you, and who won't judge you or put you down.
If this diet is going to be the one that succeeds, by all means avoid sources of temptation, but don't label behavior as "cheating". That's the fastest way to give up altogether.
Buying Candy At the Pet Store Will Make You Fat
أكمل المقالI was at PetSmart a week ago - browsing the ferrets, kittens, and tree frogs - and up front by the registers were potato chips, candy, and soda.
Now, I've never tried feeding my leopard gecko a Kit Kat, instead of meal worms and crickets, but she's pretty ditsy, so she might eat it.
It turns out that candy isn't for the pets, it's for us. And, a new study warns goodies sold in stores where they shouldn't be, are making us fat.
Writing in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers looked at over 1,000 non-food retailers across the United States, finding 41% of them sold candy, soft drinks, chips, various sweet and salty snacks.
The study looked at places like hardware, garden stores, and auto-mechanics.
And like my PetSmart, junk food was typically placed at the check-out counter, perfect for impulse buyers - mmm cat food and M&Ms.
Here's the problem. Even if you skip the candy most of the time, results show if a person buys something only 10 percent of the time, that still adds up to 2,600 extra calories a year. So maybe just stick with the dog biscuits.
I've got to be honest. I feel too self-conscious to buy candy at a hardware store. I assume the cashier would think, "Fat lard."
My Weight
أكمل المقالI'm a strong believer in Nurture vs. Nature, and that it all depends on how we're raised and influenced growing up. Sadly for me, I am influenced to hate my body unless I'm super skinny. It takes a lot of effort with my friends and my boyfriend to keep me from hating myself and harming my body in a different number of ways. It has taken so much for me to love myself for who I am, and accept myself. Because my father always told me that there is NO way you can love someone if you don't love yourself.
I am athletic though. I have a high BMI to begin with because I have very muscular legs and body structure all together. I catch in softball and play center field, I swim, and I play soccer. Naturally, while growing up, I played most of these sports from early ages. This set me up for toned legs and arms for life. I know with my body type and that I'm never going to be a size smaller then a 9. I play softball with a huge variety of sized girls. There's a girl on my team who's so skinny her periods are irregular, and she eats like a horse.
I think the biggest misconception of people and how they look is some people can't help the size they are. Accepting yourself and loving yourself for how ever you are and look is important.And if you are upset with how you look, and love yourself, then you will be successful with making yourself look how ever you want, in a positive way. If you hate yourself and your body, that's when your hurt yourself. You can be beautiful no matter what happens.
Dining Out
أكمل المقال- Take the edge off. You're more likely to indulge if you're hungry, so try eating an apple or some crackers before you go. Also, drink a glass of water while waiting for your meal, because thirst can be mistake for hunger, or it just helps take an edge off.
- Be informed. Most places are willing to accommodate your special needs. Call ahead and ask about the food offerings. I have actually done this when I was going out for a birthday dinner at a place where they prepare the food in front of you.
- Choose low fat proteins. This includes sirloin, strip steak, tenderloin, club, Delmonico, filet steak, filet mignon, kabob and London broil. Choose pork tenderloin instead of the chops. White chicken meat is leaner then dark, but still remove the skin. Ground meat and cheese are very high fat sources. And always ask them not to brush butter on top of the meat.
- Request low fat cooking techniques. Often described as: steamed, broiled, roasted, or poached. AVOID food described as buttery, in butter sauce, sauteed, fried, pan friend, crispy, braised, creamed, in cream sauce, in its own gravy, hollandasie, au gratin, parmesan, in cheese sauce, scalloped, marinated in oil, basted, casserole, prime and pot pie.
- Split the order. Either share with a friend or take some home.
- Order lunch portions at dinner. Most resturaunts serve 8-10 ounces of meat with their "dinner." You have to ask for the lunch portions at dinner, they won't tell you.
- Ask for substitutes. Instead of getting higher calorie coleslaw, beans, or potato salad ask for a baked potato plain. Mexican places can replace guacamole with steamed veggies or lettuce salad. Sandwich places usually replace fries with fruit.
- Do the "dip and stab." Order all fatty food on the side. Then, dip your fork in it then take a bite of food. You get taste in every bite without spoiling too much!
- Order "a la carte." Order just what you want without the extras. Don't get the "combo" with the extra fries or whatever.
- Speak up! Most places grill your buns in butter, ask them to do it "dry"... or maybe ask without the special sauce, and prepare the breadsticks "dry."
- Take care of the food when it comes. If they don't prepare it the way you asked, you can trim up the fat, knock off some of the breading, take the lettuce leaf off the sandwich which holds most of the sauce, pull the breading or skin off the chicken.
- Frequent the same restaurants. Most places have at least one "healthier" choice. The staff will more then likely accommodate your special requests.
- It is better to "waste" then to "waist." Stop worrying about wasting food or getting your money's worth. Think about how much money and stress goes into taking care of yourself!!
- Treat yourself right. Research shows that deprivation often leads to rebound binging and weight gain. If you crave high calorie foods indulge once in awhile. It's safer when your eating out then making bigger portions at home and trying to eat one
The average American adult is gaining a pound a year. That amount to eating just 10 calories more than your body needs each day. It really is "just the little things" that put on excess weight. Where can you "save" a few calories?
I will post more tips about eating out and stuff like that as time goes on. I just felt like those were the most important to share out of the packet thing I have from my dietitian
Simple Slimming Tips to Beat Back Flab
أكمل المقالThe question on every overweight person's lips is "how does one lose weight easily, and if possible naturally?" With the veritable explosion of weight loss plans and weight loss products on the market today, how does one accompany these products with the right lifestyle?
It is a proven fact that effective slimming tips would only work if a change in lifestyle were in order. What parts of your lifestyle need changing to aid in any kind of weight loss effort?
Changing What Needs To Be Changed
1. Food intake- it is useless to deprive yourself of what you have been eating for thirty years. To address this problem, the change in diet should only involve changes in portions, and the addition of healthier food types.
If you have been a meat-eater all your life, there is a chance that you avoid eating vegetables. If you do, start stocking up on greens because there would be no way to lose weight without bulking up on the greens.
2. Smoking- if you are a smoker and you plan to implement a regular exercise program, it is time to make a decision.
Smoking lowers the body's capacity to exercise. If you plan on smoking while exercising you will find out that your capacity to exercise will be greatly limited.
3. Alcohol- it is suggested that a bit of beer or red wine can help the heart. One glass of beer a day is fine, as long you do extra exercises to make up for the extra calories.
Slimming Tips
Here are slimming tips to consider:
1. Never deprive yourself- if you deprive yourself of the food that you have been used to eating, like bacon or a few bites of chocolate before sleeping at night, you will ultimately fail.
People feel angry and bored by not being able to eat the usual food they have been accustomed.
A note of warning though: do not indulge too much. If you have comfort food like a large bag of chips or a bucket of fried chicken when you feel down, it is time to drop the habit.
2. Avoid fat- if you like cooking, it is time to avoid putting that layer of fat when it is unnecessary. Usually people do not notice the extra fat because the act of adding fat (in the form of margarine or butter) has been a family practice for so long.
If you feel that food will be incomplete without the usual smear of butter or margarine, try substitutions. Good and tasty substitutes include baked beans and other such toppings.
3. Put salt away- we are not only talking about the stuff you sprinkle when cooking. Salt affects the body's capacity to retain and expel water. More salt in your diet means increase in body fluid retention.
A Note On Salt
Salt has a deleterious effect on the human heart. An increase of sodium in the bloodstream translates to irregular heartbeat or heightened incidence of high blood pressure. Since high blood pressure often comes and goes undetected especially in younger individuals, it becomes a more dangerous ailment.
Simple Slimming Tips from zmzm92
أكمل المقالNever deprive yourself- if you deprive yourself of the food that you have been used to eating, like bacon or a few bites of chocolate before sleeping at night, you will ultimately fail.
People feel angry and bored by not being able to eat the usual food they have been accustomed.
A note of warning though: do not indulge too much. If you have comfort food like a large bag of chips or a bucket of fried chicken when you feel down, it is time to drop the habit. Put salt away- we are not only talking about the stuff you sprinkle when cooking. Salt affects the body's capacity to retain and expel water. More salt in your diet means increase in body fluid retention.
Avoid fat- if you like cooking, it is time to avoid putting that layer of fat when it is unnecessary. Usually people do not notice the extra fat because the act of adding fat (in the form of margarine or butter) has been a family practice for so long.
If you feel that food will be incomplete without the usual smear of butter or margarine, try substitutions. Good and tasty substitutes include baked beans and other such toppings.
Tips For Successful Weight Reduction And Slimming
أكمل المقالTo ensure successful weight reduction, one has to be patient, organized and has to abide by a set routine with unflinching determination. You cannot cut corners when you decide upon slimming, so you have to proceed with earnest effort towards a clearly defined goal, and under appropriate guidance.
Effective weight loss programs are generally uncomplicated, but you need to balance an everyday exercise routine with a carefully prepared, healthy diet. A diet program can start with lists that you can make for foods to be eaten extensively, those to be consumed sparsely and finally foods to be completely given up. This kind of listing develops a habit of limited consumption, as you bring your eating habits to the level required for healthy living.
Sufficient vegetables, foods with good protein content, and home-made foods together make up a healthy diet. On the other hand you must avoid saturated fats and food which has concentrated sugar. Labelled food articles are now available in all supermarkets, which display their constituents and nutritional worth. Always go through the specifics printed on these labels prior to purchasing. Besides, certain foods available in the market must be strictly shunned, like junk foods which are full of calories but hardly any nutritional value.
You also need to exercise daily to enhance muscle mass and burn more fat. Outdoor sports like swimming, basketball, and tennis can always be practised, as they offer exercise for the whole body. To ensure that your motivation does not diminish you should pick a friend who is on a similar schedule as yours and can take part with you in all these sports activities.
No two persons are exactly alike in their build, which means a weight management program has to be modified to suit individual needs. Thus, it is good to appoint a personal instructor who will be able to devise a customized program for you and make you adhere to it. In case you could not find a partner to keep you motivated, having a trainer becomes even more critical.
The results of such a balanced weight management program are not immediately apparent on the body, but generally have an immediate positive effect on those who opt for it, in terms of an increased sense of well-being and lower stress levels. Although after a while you will begin noticing that it is enabling you to fulfil your dream of achieving a perfect and shapely figure. If you follow a balanced program, the benefits that you get will not disappear, if you adhere to your schedule without long breaks.
Slimming drops
أكمل المقالAs the selection of supplements directed at the fitness crowd is getting larger, there are products that stand out, and products that don’t.
As a liquid form there are many products that have been proven to work efficently, and the biggest upsides are that you don’t have to be swallowing pills or capsules. can be a great way to get to the size that you want to be in.
Normally these work by several different ways. There are drops that work in short term by acting as diuretics – they make your body remove the excess fluids that you might be retenting. Some might be activating your thyroid and by that pathway they are stimulation your body resting metabolism. These all work to produce a slimming effect.
أكمل المقال2 Day DIet Japan Lingzhi Formula 100% Authentic (1 box)
Fat Burner - Expelling of Toxin - Relieving Constipation
Ten time Burning Fat + 24 Hours Body Slim
Product Description
Product Description
An exclusive ingredient in the 2 Day Diet prevents the digestion of dietary fat, hence reducing its absorption by the body after sometime of consumption, body parts prone to fat accumulation (belly, arms, thighsand buttocks) could see dramatic