
Slimming clubs in the UK

Slimming clubs in the UK

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Looking to join a slimming club in the UK? One of the most difficult aspects of can be getting the support and encouragement you need when the going gets tough so that is a great place to start!

Some of the leading slimming clubs in the UK include:

  • Rosemary Conley
  • Weight Watchers
  • Slimming Club
  • Slimming World
  • Slimmer UK
  • Weightcare
  • Slimtone

How do slimming clubs in the UK help? Firstly, they create a nutritionallyplan for you to follow - handy if you're not sure what to eat and what to avoid. Secondly they offer a ready made support system, there to provide encouragement and chart your progress.

With all the different choices, the best way to find one that's right for you is to begin your search online. Alternatively you could ask your GP or other health professionals who may have personal experience of them.

You'll find big differences from one organization to another. These can include membership fees, and also the level of service offered. Some groups include weekly meetings where you can meet other dieters, while some are internet-based, with chat rooms for support.

Which works best will depend on you and your lifestyle. If you are very busy, or a person who prefers to be more private about such matters, then an online organization may be your best bet. However, if sticking to a diet plan requires regular reinforcement from others, then an organisation that offers weekly group meetings would work better.

The key to getting it right is research. Be sure to check that meal plans are nutritionally balanced, and that the advisers are qualified nutritionists - if in doubt check with your local doctor.
Diet programs

Diet programs

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There are loads of diet programs around. From Atkins to Slim-Fast and Weight Watchers UK, these are just the tip of the iceberg as the more well known names available at the moment.

There are diet programs for everyone, no matter what theirrequirements or weight gain agenda, lifestyle, health status or fitness levels.

There are high protein ones to help you build muscle and bulk to help you to lose and manage your weight; detox to help you clean out your system and even a diabetes specific programme to reduce the possibility of complications.

It is important to establish whether or not you need to go on a diet programs. It is also essential to know how much weight you need to lose or gain and choose the right diet to help you achieve this. There are various ways of discovering which of the diet programs are right for you. Consulting a doctor and finding your Body Mass Index are both viable options of discovering the extent to which you may or may not need to change your lifestyle, although there are other methods as well.

So which diet should you choose? Well that all depends on what you want to achieve. There are so many to choose from, it is up to you to select the one that seems to appropriately match your criteria for health and fitness levels. Try to work out what you want to get from changing your eating and lifestyle habits and start on your journey to get into shape. Losing or gaining weight can be a very slow process. For example, a sudden decrease in weight can lead to the body compensating over a longer period of time and may result in a gain in weight. Also remember to make realistic targets so that you don't get disappointed if you don't lose excessive amounts of weight immediately! By achieving your ideal weight, you'll not only look and feel better but you'll be healthier and have more energy for whatever life throws at you.

Unfortunately though, deciding is the easy part. The hard part is actually sticking to your chosen diet. If you do make that choice and embark on a change in lifestyle, then the results will be apparent to show your achievements. It certainly isn't easy but with a lot of dedication and will power, you can shape your body how you want it to look sooner than you think.
Eating healthily

Eating healthily

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A well balanced and nutritious diet is all about eating healthily and comprises of a well balanced and nutritious diet. What is a balanced diet you might ask? Well it's simple. It just refers to the main food groups and ensuring you get appropriate proportions of each. There are certainly foods that you should avoid at all costs! These include sugary or salty foods and alcohol. Eating healthily can be achieved very easily with a few straightforward points to remember.

Complex carbohydrates or starchy foods should provide the main bulk of most meals. These foods include bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables, pasta, rice and potatoes. They are not fattening as is widely believed. Eating healthily can quickly turn into a difficult task though as it is very easy to add fat to these foods, for example by spreading butter on bread which isn't a good idea as it makes the fat content and calories increase. Starchy foods do contain fibre though which is excellent for bowel movement regularity and controlling appetite as you feel full after consumption. Ensure your healthy eating campaign gets off to a great start and remember that moderation is the key.

Fruit and vegetables should be consumed daily. Five portions of different varieties should be sufficient to promote good health as you get roughage or fibre as well as a multitude of essential vitamins and minerals to compliment your diet. The antioxidants you'll gain through consuming these foods are also great for keeping your body healthy. The risk of developing cancers and heart disease is immensely reduced. Constipation can also be prevented.

Most people consume more protein than they require. We are omnivores, so we eat a balanced diet naturally. Meats, fish, pulses, nuts and poultry are all excellent sources of protein as is Marmite! Try to reduce the fat content of meat by removing as much as possible prior to consumption. Avoid thick, rich, creamy sauces that often accompany meat or fish, as part of meals. Oily fish is recommended to eat around once or twice a week. Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel and sardines help to prevent furring of the arteries which can lead to angina, heart attacks and strokes.

Low fat diets reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes too and help you to sustain your ideal weight. Saturated fats should be avoided whilst unsaturated fats (found in sunflower oil, olive oil and low fat spreads)are healthier for you in small amounts. The consumption of sugary foods and drinks should be reduced immensely as well. They are high in calories and are bad for your teeth. Salty foods are also not good or you. You do require a small quantity of salt in your diet to ensure your body has enough sodium to perform its usual chemical reactions. Avoid fast foods, pre-packaged and processed foods to limit your salt intake. Low salt diets prove to be highly beneficial to your health. High blood pressure and heart disease can be prevented for longer.
Child obesity

Child obesity

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A great concern, child is an issue for many parents, an issue with both health and social consequences that can continue into adulthood.

Parents of overweight children are right to be concerned about child obesity, and will have many questions about how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it.

Causes of child obesity include:

  • Physical Activity - specifically lack of regular exercise.

  • Sedentary behavior - Activities that can contribute include extensive television viewing, playing PC and video games, and similar behaviors

  • Socioeconomic Status - There is a much higher incidence among low family incomes and non-working parents.

  • - Clearly a key issue with over-consumption of high-calorie foods the major culprit. Behavior patterns that can contribute include eating while watching TV or eating when not hungry.

  • Environment - Over-exposure to high-calorie food advertising, and also living in an environment that lacks recreational facilities.

  • Genetics - Kids with overweight parents are much more prone to weight problems

While causes are clear, the answers are not always as simple. Issues arise such as, are kids too concerned about their weight? What are the best strategies for prevention? What treatments work over a long time?

Prevention centres around issues such as creating a healthy eating environment, creating a physically active environment, and modeling good behavior for kids to follow. These are essential both in the home and also in school. If parents suspect that their kids have serious health, psychological or social problems as a result of weight gain, they should of course consult their doctor.


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